Velocity Clip Head Mount Accessory for iPhone, Android or any Smartphone

The Velocity Clip product line is constantly expanding and evolving due to the huge demand from our loyal customers. Many of you have noticed we have released several new products in the last few months. We have created and sourced these products from the feedback customers like you have given us!  It may very well be possible you missed one of our new products or have questions about it. The Velocity Clip Product Highlight will give each of our products its own time in the spot light. Today we will be highlighting the Velocity Clip Head Mount accessory!

Velocity Clip Universal Smartphone Head Mount

The Velocity Clip Head Mount accessory allows users to record from the only true point of view angle, your head, right where your eyes are located.

The Head Mount is a great photography tool that allows videographers and photographers to take hands free videos and photos. This is key in activates where your hands will be used for other tasks. This mount is most popular with our skiers and hunters but this mount is also great for parents. We get feedback all the time from moms and dads that use the Head Mount to record everything from their kids soccer games to play time at the park. When using the Head Mount you will be filming anything you are looking at making it an awesome accessory to have.

The head mount was designed to work over beanies, on helmets, and just alone on your head. We have incorporated epoxy ribs inside of the straps to ensure the mount stays put when used on a helmet.

*You will need to purchase a Velocity Clip to use this accessory!


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